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+33 6 62 19 61 67
In France and other countries gastronomy is a major cultural element.
We strive to offer the best possible address.
We like to promote local dishes. Before starting a meal we often suggest the visit of traditional markets, small producers or farmers.
We also like restaurant full of history. Do not you think a story is even more interesting around a good meal with a glass of wine ?

Guide on request
More discoveries with our team of professional guides in France and abroad. At Awesome Guide we believe that a guide becomes professional when he excels in the following areas :
- Culture
Your guide holds a « National guide » licence. Having studied languages, tourism and history of art, he is a specialist on your chosen destination.
You have a guide specialist of the destination with updated information.
- Organization
Your guide is very experienced. He has dealt successfully with many types of situation. He can ensure the highest quality is maintains during the stay.
Your guide knows the best routes, priority entrances, the best parking places… Thanks to him you do not lose time and you can discover more.
- Customer relations
Through is own friendly personality and his experience of group management, your guide can ensure a high level of customer satisfaction.
Your guide can be flexible and meet your expectations.

Aimed at professionals or students in tourism.
- To be a guide.
Guiding : What a great job ! Visits, Discoveries, Travels, … but a lot of work also. Work and Network are the key words to succeed in this career. This conference offers you a full immersion in the guide daily life. It also offers you a reflexion about the existing trainings, the performance of a visit and the future of the profession.
- Tour director : a career
« Tour director : get paid to travel ». Travel managing is a fantastic career but with many difficulties. Besides giving details during the tour, the tour manager is also in charge of the good organization during the tour. The tour director has also to maitain a good relationship among the group and with the different suppliers. Many qualities are required to be a good tour director. Energy, stamina, passion for travels, knowledge of the procedures. Thanks to this conference participants will be ready for their first tour.
- How to carry out a visit ?
The guide has to offer discoveries to let people understand. However the guide has also to offer a good time to people. Discover the recipes of a good visit !
- Founding & Managing a travel operator.
To manage a company, to be one’s own boss, that is a dream for many people. However it is not easy ! Thanks to this conference you will discover the different stages to respect in the creation of a business and the traps to avoid. You will be explained also some managing techniques essential to survive in an industry which is hardly predictable and very competitive.

Themed visits
We offer unique visits on the theme of your choice. Your tour can be about arts, history, architecture, gastronomy or literature. We have specialized guides throughout the world. The visits can be carried out in the language of your choice (English, Frencvh, Italian, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Mandarin, ...)
Examples of themed routes in France

We have a wide network of partners throughout the world.
You can rely on us to book the best transportation for you. We can easily book a car or a van for your airport transfer. We can also offer a minibus or coach service for your whole trip. If you want to ride a bike or a horse or if you want to travel on a boat, we will be happy to make all the arrangements for the booking